cgHtmlUtils examples

This is goeland client side html utility functions examples page

See also the debounce example

Documentation is available in docs directory

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getEl('elementId') gives you a ref to that element id

cgHtmlUtils.getEl('aNiceSpan').innerHTML = 'it works !';

and the span with id aNiceSpan contains :

isNullOrUndefined(param1) returns true if param1 is not defined or null

function f1(a,b,c){
 console.log('a : ', a , cgHtmlUtils.isNullOrUndefined(a))
 console.log('b : ',b, cgHtmlUtils.isNullOrUndefined(b))
 console.log('c : ',c , cgHtmlUtils.isNullOrUndefined(c))

will give you at the console :

a : hello false
b : undefined true
c : undefined true

The next section was added at runtime with "addDiv", content comes from "get*Param" functions.
try this link to experiment get*Param functions